Which Ankle Does An Anklet Go On?

Anklets, a charming and versatile accessory, have adorned the ankles of women and men throughout history. 

In contemporary fashion, anklets have resurfaced as a subtle yet stylish addition to various outfits, suitable for both casual and formal occasions. Have you ever stood in front of the mirror, anklet in hand, pondering: left ankle or right ankle? It’s a common dilemma in the world of accessorizing. 

The placement of an anklet may seem like a trivial detail, but it can spark curiosity about cultural traditions, personal symbolism, or simply aesthetic balance. In this blog post, let's unravel the answer to the question: which ankle does an anklet go on?

Meaning Of Anklet

Ankets are not just a decoration to enhance your beauty. An anklet’s meaning can vary significantly across different cultures and historical periods, transforming from a simple ornament to a rich symbol with deep-rooted significance. 

Traditionally, in ancient Egypt, anklets were worn by both men and women as a status symbol, where the material and craftsmanship of the anklet indicated the wearer's social position and wealth. For example, anklets decorated with gemstones or made from valuable metals were worn by Sumerian women and brides. 

Anklets have held a notable position as a jewelry staple throughout various historical periods, celebrated for their ability to symbolize and enhance a woman's femininity and allure. Additionally, they are believed to possess therapeutic qualities, aiding in the restoration of the body's equilibrium and circulation. The practice of wearing anklets is prevalent among women of Indian or Middle Eastern descent, where it is customary to adorn both ankles with these ornaments.

In some cultures, anklets were believed to ward off ill omens or bring good fortune to the wearer. In modern times, the meaning of anklets has evolved to be more aligned with personal expression and fashion, without the weight of cultural or social obligations. They are chosen for their aesthetic appeal, as a means of expressing one's style and personality, making the anklet a versatile accessory in the global fashion landscape.

Which Ankle Does An Anklet Go On

There is no right or wrong side when choosing which ankle does an anklet go on. You can style your jewelry on the left or the right one, even on both of them. Now, let’s discover the meaning of each side if you decide to wear it not only based on your preference. 

Wearing An Anklet On The Right Side

Wearing an anklet on the right ankle is often interpreted in various ways, depending on cultural and individual perspectives. 

In some cultures and belief systems, the right side is associated with qualities such as masculinity, action, and giving energy. By adorning the right ankle with an anklet, some individuals may seek to embody these traits or attract corresponding energies into their lives. 

It is commonly believed that the right ankle corresponds to the energy of the masculine principle (yang), whereas the left ankle is linked with the feminine principle (yin). Women who opt to wear an anklet on their right ankle typically do so with the intention of augmenting their yang energy flow. This enhancement is thought to foster qualities such as assertiveness, logic, and activity, traditionally associated with masculinity.

However, in the Western world and contemporary fashion, choosing to wear an anklet on the right ankle is more commonly associated with personal preference and style. For many, it's a fashion statement, devoid of any specific symbolic connotation.

Additionally, in certain alternative and modern cultural interpretations, an anklet on the right ankle might subtly hint at alternative lifestyles or relationship statuses. 

It's essential to recognize that the significance of wearing an anklet on the right side varies greatly across different societies and individuals, with the modern view leaning towards personal expression and aesthetic choice rather than adhering to traditional symbols.

Wearing An Anklet On The Left Side 

Wearing an anklet on the left ankle also carries its own set of meanings, which can be quite distinct from wearing one on the right. 

Historically, in cultures like Hinduism, anklets placed on the left side have been associated with luck and protection against negative energies. In certain cultures, anklets on the left side are chosen by women as a sign of their marriage’s status or to signify that they are involved in a relationship. 

In Indian tradition, adorning the left ankle with an anklet is believed to accentuate femininity. This is why many women opt to wear anklets specifically on their left ankles, considering it a symbol of womanhood and allure.

Conversely, in the realm of contemporary fashion, similar to the right ankle, wearing an anklet on the left is often a matter of personal style preference or comfort without any deep-rooted cultural or symbolic significance. It allows individuals to express their unique sense of fashion and personality. 

Furthermore, the decision to wear an anklet on one ankle over the other is sometimes based merely on convenience or the desire to complement other pieces of jewelry being worn on the same side.

Wearing An Anklet On Both Sides

Choosing to adorn both ankles with anklets is a style that transcends cultural boundaries and historical significance, ushering in a trend that is purely based on aesthetic and personal preference. Wearing anklets on both sides does not carry a universally accepted meaning, making it a versatile choice for individuals wanting to make a unique fashion statement. 

This approach to styling anklets allows for creative expression through the mixing and matching of different designs, materials, and charms to suit personal tastes or complement an outfit. In some instances, wearing anklets on both ankles can be seen as a bold display of individuality and freedom, breaking away from conventional norms and symbolisms associated with wearing it on a single ankle. 

In the modern fashion landscape, this trend signifies a departure from traditional meanings tied to cultural or marital status, focusing instead on self-expression and the joy of accessorizing.

So, you don’t need to wear anklets on just one side. There is no rule about this and you can try both if you wish. However, if you are living with a minimal style, sometimes it will be better to stick with only one side. 

Factors Affecting The Decision To Choose the Side

Some people find it difficult to decide which ankle does an anklet go on. There are several factors that can be listed here. 

Personal preference undoubtedly stands as the most significant, with individuals opting for the ankle they simply feel more comfortable or aesthetically pleased with. People prefer wearing on that side just because they like it without needing a particular meaning or reason. 

Cultural influences also exert a profound impact; in certain cultures, wearing an anklet on a specific side carries symbolic meanings or traditions that individuals may choose to respect or align with. Where you live or what you worship may be a decisive factor. 

Additionally, practical considerations, such as the ease of movement and avoidance of snagging the anklet on clothing or footwear, might influence the choice. Fashion trends and celebrity endorsements can sway public opinion, popularizing one side over the other temporarily. 

Finally, the design of the anklet itself, especially if it features asymmetrical elements, might be intended to be worn on a particular side to best showcase its beauty. Together, these factors contribute to a personal and culturally rich decision-making process regarding which ankle to decorate with an anklet.

Styling Tips

Now, maybe you have your own decision about which side to put on your anklet. Generally, it is up to your preference and does not have any fixed regulations. To be more fashionable and also suitable, you can bear in mind these tips given here. 

  • Choose the Right Size: Ensure your anklet is neither too tight nor too loose. It should comfortably sit on your ankle, allowing for a bit of movement without the risk of it coming off.
  • Match with Footwear: Consider the type of footwear you plan to wear. Anklets look best with sandals, flip-flops, or barefoot, making them perfect for summer styles.
  • Layering: Don't be afraid to layer multiple anklets for a bohemian look. Mixing metals, beadwork, and styles can add a unique touch to your outfit.
  • Consider the Occasion: Choose simpler, delicate anklets for formal occasions and chunkier, more colorful ones for casual days or beach outings.
  • Coordinating Jewelry: Coordinate your anklet with other jewelry pieces for a cohesive look. Matching metals or themes can elevate your overall style.
  • Mind the Material: For long wear, opt for durable materials like stainless steel or gold plated, especially if you plan to wear your anklet to the beach or in water.
  • Personalize: Look for anklets that reflect your personal style or hold meaning, such as charm anklets with initials, birthstones, or symbols that are special to you.


In conclusion, in today's world, it does not really matter about the side you choose to wear an anklet in terms of cultural significance. After reading this post to find out the answer to “Which ankle does an anklet go on”, it can be claimed that whether worn on the right, left, or both ankles, it all enhances your beauty and reflects your aesthetic preferences or personality. 

With the versatility of styling options available, anklets continue to be a timeless and fashionable way to accessorize, embodying both traditional and contemporary trends in personal adornment. Remember that there are many ways for you to put on your own anklet - it is not where you style it - it is how you style it. Be confident and let your beauty shine by itself!